More Than Creativity: The Additional Benefits and Perks of Being a Lefty

I absolutely loved reading this article explaining how left handed people work differently because it explains so much about me. I now appreciate being a lefty. Never really thought too much of it before. It was usually just a pain in the ass, like when my little league coach used to make me to crowd the plate to get hit by the ball cause I was the only lefty in the league. yeah — being left-handed is often like that. Grabbing the locked door every single time you walk out of a double-door because your work only unlocks the one on the right (lazy bastards). Until now never put much thought into how my left handed brothas and sistas make up only 11% of the population, which explains why everyone seems to make a big deal when they see me write, or draw, or open a door, or whatever. To me I couldn’t imagine doing any of these things differently and have never really stopped to think about my left-handed-ness. Don’t know of anyone else in my family that’s a lefty which makes me an even bigger freak…not even my two kids (at least not yet but I keep holding on to hope!).
In the earlier part of my life I always gravitated to the right, creative side of my brain and absolutely avoided at all cost strategy, logic and left hemisphere stuff because it would hurt my brain and wasn’t as easy. Explains art school for sure. Not that I was dumb or couldn’t, It just wasn’t my choice because it took more effort to dig down to logic and numbers. Which is where the challenge and the professional growth has come into play at Boathouse because they are a group of very logical people that appreciate planning, numbers, strategy….very left brain type of stuff which leads me to use the “other” side of my brain much more frequently and frankly has made me a more well-rounded person/professional which is a good segue into another topic in this article – we’re super-fast learners! Anyway, this article is a good read – check it out if you’re a lefty too. Or even if your a righty so you know what sort of creative freaks you’re dealing with in the workplace lol